Edward d'Auvergne
2016-04-13 08:19:10 UTC
You have developed software that we would like to include in NMRbox, a
resource developed by the NIH-supported National Center for Biomolecular NMR
Data Processing and Analysis. You can learn more about our Center and the
benefits that accrue to developers in the attached shameless promotional
We believe the following software of yours is free to redistribute. We are
contacting you as a courtesy and, unless we hear otherwise, we plan to
redistribute this software in NMRbox.
simple license agreement giving us permission to redistribute your software.
By replying to the forthcoming email in the affirmative (a simple "I agree"
will suffice), we will include your software in NMRbox. If, however, your
software requires a more restrictive license, please reply to this email so
that we can discuss special terms or restrictions.
Additionally, please let us know if we have failed to list software from
your lab that you would like to have included in NMRbox.
Many thanks for your support for this initiative.
The NMRbox Team
Dear NMRbox team,resource developed by the NIH-supported National Center for Biomolecular NMR
Data Processing and Analysis. You can learn more about our Center and the
benefits that accrue to developers in the attached shameless promotional
We believe the following software of yours is free to redistribute. We are
contacting you as a courtesy and, unless we hear otherwise, we plan to
redistribute this software in NMRbox.
simple license agreement giving us permission to redistribute your software.
By replying to the forthcoming email in the affirmative (a simple "I agree"
will suffice), we will include your software in NMRbox. If, however, your
software requires a more restrictive license, please reply to this email so
that we can discuss special terms or restrictions.
Additionally, please let us know if we have failed to list software from
your lab that you would like to have included in NMRbox.
Many thanks for your support for this initiative.
The NMRbox Team
Sorry for not contacting you earlier, I have only just returned from
holidays. The software relax is distributed solely under the terms of
the GNU GPL v3 licence. A number of other NMR softwares use this
licence as well. relax is an open source project and the copyright is
owned by a number of NMR spectroscopists - I am not the sole copyright
holder and cannot speak on their behalf. Therefore I will cross-post
this to the relax development mailing list for the benefit of the
other IP holders. Note that this is publicly archived and permanently
accessible. Please use this list for future correspondence.
I would advise you to study the GPL licence to understand your
obligations in distributing relax, as well as any other GPL software.
Note that "a simple license agreement giving us permission to
redistribute your software" is illegal under this licence. The GPL is
the one and only licence determining how you can distribute relax.
With this licence, you simply need to provide all of the source code
of your distributed copy, including all modifications you make to
tailor it to the NMRbox distribution. So, for example, you cannot
just provide byte-compiled *.pyc and *.so C modules - you need to also
provide access to the source *.py, *.c and other files. If more
information is required for understanding how to redistribute
GPL-licensed software, I would refer you to the following in-depth
guide from the Software Freedom Law Center:
relax (http://www.nmr-relax.com)
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